AAAS IF/THEN Ambassador
In 2019, I was selected as an Ambassador through the AAAS & Lyda Hill Philanthropies' IF/THEN initiative. As part of this program, I joined 124 other women in STEM to improve the coverage of female scientists and STEM professionals in the media.
Graduate and Advanced Lady Scientists (GALS)
In 2010, I co-founded GALS, an organization for graduate and post-graduate women in science at the University of Utah. Although I am no longer leading GALS, it is still active at Utah! Our mission was to provide women with the tools necessary for a fulfilling and successful career experience in science through networking, seminars, social events, and supportive mentoring.
For more information about GALS, check out their website:
For more information about GALS, check out their website:
MIT Women's Initiative
In 2007, I presented career opportunities in engineering to K-12 girls at 10 schools in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Our presentation included a hands-on engineering design challenge where students were given four lifesavers, two straws, a role of tape, and a piece of paper, and had to design a vehicle that could travel the farthest with just one breath of wind! Some of the kids designed incredibly creative and effective vehicles, shown here.